Monday, March 2, 2015

Sadbh’s update – March 2, 2015

Sadbh’s trach collar kept coming loose throughout the night so every hour or so we would have to tighten it up.
Since her nurse was our sick with flu like symptoms we had asked the agency on Friday to let the nurse know that we would prefer if she did not come this weekend. Unfortunately this information did not get passed on as the nurse showed up last night to work her shift.
Katie and I were upstairs and did not hear her at the door and it was a while later before we discovered that we had missed a call from the agency.
It was just as well as we did not want to expose Sadbh to any potential illness and I did not want to have to wake her and move her and all her equipment to her bedroom downstairs.
When we contacted the agency about this they simply blamed the nurse telling us that she did not follow their protocol. I honestly believe it was our case manager that messed up and did not fully communicate how the weekend was going to be staffed.

Sadbh woke up in an excellent mood and wanted all of us to join her in bed for a snuggle. It’s a small bed but we all fit in just fine and Sadbh was in her element.

Sadbh was especially affectionate with me today and wanted to cuddle up constantly. I had no issues with this and took advantage of the cuddles and hugs as much as I could.

We met up with Ali-Baba for a short while in the early afternoon and Sadbh was delighted to get to hang out with her.

The rest of Sadbh’s day was spent hanging out at home reading books and playing with her Lego’s. She got very tired by four but we were able to keep her going until bedtime where she fell asleep in no time.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie, Sadbh and Cillian

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