Monday, January 6, 2014

Sadbh’s update – January 6th 2014

Sadbh had a very good night and woke up extremely happy shortly after 8. She even declared that she was felling better.
Thankfully she was indeed over her fever and she was full of energy.

We had trach change scheduled for last week but due to Sadbh’s fever we postponed it until today. She did not want to nap so I explained to her what our plan was and she was onboard with helping out.

Everything went well until I inserted the new trach into her stoma. For some reason it hurt her and she got very irritated and struggled to break loose from her swaddle.
It created a very stressful moment as we had to secure her trach ties as quickly as possible and make sure that the trach was correctly placed in her airway.
Eventually we were able to calm Sadbh down and we were also able to make sure that her trach was ok. It was so upsetting to see Sadbh in such distress.

Later in the evening Sadbh was starting to show signs of fatigue and a runny nose and she almost fell asleep while eating.

We had a meet and greet with a new night nurse at 6:30 so it was a little hectic around the house as soon as Mommy arrived home from work. Dinner was ready but we wanted to make sure that we had all eaten before the new nurse arrived as typically these interviews can go on for an hour or longer.

The meet and great went well and we think this new nurse might work out.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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