Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sadbh’s update – January 7th 2014

Sadbh needed to be suctioned a number of times throughout the night and even before Helen arrived she coughed herself awake.
She had a decent enough night considering all the coughing and woke up bright and early just after Helen’s shift ended.

After waking up, she snuggled with Mommy for an hour or so and I suctioned her trach approximately every five minutes. Eventually we gave her a saline nebulizer and once we were done with that we brought her upstairs to the shower so she could breathe in the steam to help with her secretions.

Despite all the coughing and extra suctioning she had a fun day and was in a very good and playful mood.
Her energy ran out after her bath and she fell asleep as we got her ready for trach care. She slept for two hours before finally waking up.
She needed a lot of suctioning during and after her nap and she even helped Jenna suction at one point by applying pressure to the suction catheter.
Sadbh was still very groggy but soon we both got busy baking in the kitchen. She is a pro at beating an egg and getting all the ingredients ready. I was very impressed.

She was very energetic this evening and thankfully she wore herself out in time for bedtime.
After some snuggles with both Mommy and I, she jumped into bed and drifted off to sleep in no time.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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