Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sadbh’s update – September 27 2016

Sadbh slept great but had a slight fever when she woke up. She was also still congested and since it was draining through her stoma we decided to keep her home from school.

She was in a much better mood today and as a treat we both headed to the cinema to watch a movie after dropping Cillian off with a sitter.
Sadbh and I had a wonderful time and started to plan our next movie date immediately after.

She still had a lot of congestion throughout the rest of the day and even her little brother started to feel sick with a fever in the evening.

We gave Sadbh some Tylenol and a saline nebulizer before bed and as soon as she hit the pillow she was out fast.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie, Sadbh and Cillian

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