Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sadbh’s update – December 6th 2012

Sadbh slept great and woke up in a very good mood at 6:30.
After a hefty breakfast she was ready to play and wore her Passy Muir Valve the whole time.
She was able to get out into the garden for a few minutes to play before it started to rain.

Around 11am she wore her trach cap for a total of 20 minutes. She did great and was in a very happy mood.

Shortly after noon she was starting to get tired so it was time for a bath, a cuddle and then off to sleep so Granddad and Caity could manage trach care.
It went well however Sadbh only slept for an hour.

She had a great afternoon and was in a fantastic mood all evening.
Sadbh was wearing her trach cap when I arrived home and she was very happy playing with her bubbles and water in the bath. She lasted for 24 minutes and did not struggle whatsoever.

Katie and I met with a potential new day nurse this evening and Sadbh took an immediate shine to her. We chatted for well over an hour and our initial impression was good.
The hope now is to see if she can job shadow one of next week’s day nurses and after that we can see how she does working solo.
Thankfully she has plenty of experience with trachs and she also seems to have a good way with toddlers.

Sadbh was delirious when it came time for bed and had Katie and I dancing and singing “Ring a ring a rosey” for twenty minutes or so. She could not stand straight and was laughing her little head off.

Thankfully we did not have any problems getting her to sleep and hope she has a good nights rest to make up for her short nap today.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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