Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sadbh’s update – day 244

Sadbh had a restless sleep through the night, but did not awake until 5am. Katie did not sleep much, and was tucking Sadbh in throughout the night to make sure she slept as sound as possible.
After her 5am breakfast, she had her diaper changed and was back to sleep in no time.

Around 8am, she joined us in bed for a snuggle and a nap.

Sadbh went to mass at our local church with my father and Katie at 11am and it turns out that today’s mass was for the healing of the sick.
Additionally, since it was advent, the color of the priests vestments is purple, and coincidentally this was the color that Sadbh was wearing today, and she also had a nice cozy purple blanket that my aunt Josie made for her.

Sunday ended up being a very lazy day and Sadbh got to spend most of it playing and having fun.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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