Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sadbh’s update – October 7th 2012

Sadbh was flipping and flopping all over the place last night and Katie did not get much sleep in between suctioning and untangling Sadbh’s cords and hose.
By 6:30 Sadbh was ready to get out of bed and give me the two-kick alarm wake up call. Despite being exhausted tired, it’s hard to be annoyed when you are greeted by the biggest smile ever.

Sadbh was in a great mood so I took her downstairs for breakfast and gave Katie a chance to catch up on some deserved sleep.

As usual, Sadbh had a big appetite and she enjoyed breakfast while watching her favorite signing times DVD. She even bopped her head to the songs that were sung.

Katie and my father managed trach care today and Sadbh slept for almost two hours afterwards.

Since it was another beautiful day, we planned to spend the afternoon out on the lake. Sadbh woke up from her nap with a huge smile and was very playful as soon as I went in to get her ready for the afternoon. She often has fun covering her trach when I try to suction her. Today was no exception and she could not stop laughing as she wriggled away from me.

After a quick bite to eat we all headed down to the lake and off to meet up with our friends Keith and Charlene. Sadbh was delighted to see them and since it had been a while since they got to see her, they had not yet heard her voice. As soon as Sadbh had her Passy Muir Valve on she was chatting like crazy.
We even capped her trach and she tolerated it for over 8 minutes without interruption. This was the longest so far that she had been able to tolerate the cap and it was very exciting for us to see.

Sadbh had a great afternoon and really took a shine to Charlene. She even got to feed the ducks in the lake.

It was a perfect way to spend the day and we all got to relax and enjoy the good weather.

Even though she was running on fumes by the end of the day, Sadbh’s energy level is incredible and she had a fantastic day.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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