Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sadbh’s update – August 21st 2013

Sadbh slept well for the most part, though she was a little restless during the middle of the night.  When she woke up and Katie went into her, she was very snuggly and the first thing she did was give Katie a big hug and say “I love you”.  Needless to say, it made Katie’s day.

She had a good morning playing with Larissa.  Sadbh will surely miss Larissa very much when she leaves.  After a nice long walk outside, they returned inside where Sadbh proceeded to have Larissa sit on the couch with her legs crossed and hands on knees.  According to Sadbh, Larissa was in the waiting room of the doctors office (all Sadbh’s other dolls and animals were lined up on the couch too).  Dr. Sadbh then continued to see her “patients”, but it was Annabelle that  got all the attention.  Sadbh’s imagination is really in full swing and seems so far advanced.

Daddy and Sadbh had a good evening playing together.  Katie was home a little later than usual and we got stuck into trach care immediately.  In the middle of trach care, Sadbh suddenly said “Daddy, daddy, my friend Mashine come over for dinner”.  Mashine is Osin and a friend that Sadbh has not seen for way too long.  It seems we will need to make sure to plan a play date very soon with this little man.

We noticed a sour smell from Sadbh’s trach this evening.  We haven’t had this before, but from a little research, we are concerned it might be the beginning indication of an infection in her trach.  We’ll call the doctor in the morning to see if we need to bring Sadbh in.

Sadbh was late to go to sleep, but once she was snuggled up with Katie, it did not take long to doze off.  Hopefully she will have another good night.

We are still sorting through our nursing solution, but we are confident we will figure out a plan soon.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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