Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sadbh’s update – September 15th 2013

Danielle tried unsuccessfully to cap Sadbh’s trach a couple of times during the night. At on point Sadbh pulled the cap off and tossed it across the room.
I took over from Danielle at 6 and thankfully Sadbh slept on until 7:30.

It was a very soggy day so we were house bound for the most part. Sadbh was very happy playing with her kitchen and had the house upside down with all her toys.

She got to Skype with Gerdie, Nana, my sister, her three kids and her cousin Kevin. Sadbh was so excited to see her little cousin Zoe who is five months old.

Trach care went well today and we ended up finding glitter near her stoma. Thankfully Katie spotted it and hopefully none went into her airway.

There was a nice big thunderstorm this evening and Sadbh loved it. She kept saying that the sky was playing drums.

Just before dinner Sadbh spotted a big spider on her building blocks. It looked like a brown recluse. After that I went on a spider hunt throughout the basement and found a total of six spiders. They were all harmless but I decided to remove them regardless.

When it came time for bed we gave Sadbh a nebulizer, read her a couple of stories and soon she was drifting off in Mommies arms to the sound of the sky playing drums.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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