Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sadbh’s update – September 24th 2013

Sadbh slept late again this morning and unfortunately she would not allow Crystal to cap her trach during the night.
She was in a good mood so we headed upstairs to hang out with Mommy.

After breakfast I got Sadbh ready for her nebulizer and noticed that she had thick green mucus in her trach. I was able to clear it without any difficulty and she did not seem to have any further green secretions or mucus for the rest of the day.

When it came time for her nap Sadbh was very tired but wanted to sit on the potty for over half an hour in the hope that she would have a tinkle before going to bed. I have a feeling that she was no ways close to having a pee and was just playing around on her potty.

She never did take her nap so the rest of the evening was spent building forts, playing hide and seek and doctor with a very wired little girl. She had so much energy I could not keep up.

Trach care went well but Sadbh still showed no desire in going to sleep afterwards. She was delirious beyond belief but it took snuggling up with Mommy to calm her down and finally get her off to sleep. 

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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