Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sadbh's update - day 67

Friday was such a beautiful day, and it was Ali-Baba's birthday. Happy birthday Ali-Baba!!! Sadbh went on her first long walk around the neighborhood with mommy and Ali-Baba and she even got to meet more of our neighbors. 

We are extremely frustrated with the nursing agency. We received next weeks nursing schedule, and we still have the same nurses assigned to our case. Apparently, it's taking them a lot longer to try to rearrange other nurses schedules to accommodate ours, but after two weeks of back and forth, we are still a ways off in getting the two nurses off our case.
Interestingly, according to our account rep at the agency, the nurses that we currently have, are the best and only pediatric nurses that they have. Since they are the only pediatric nurses they have, then it's much easier to believe that they are their best.

On a positive note, we do have a great nurse temporarily assigned to us this weekend, and she will be working with Sadbh on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Our hope is that we will be able to have her reassigned to our case full time.

We brought Sadbh for a walk up to Madrona for pizza and it seems that she is getting used to dining out. Madrona is a lovely neighbor hood, not far from where we live, with a few little family friendly restaurants to choose from. 

I'm not sure if I was overly sensitive or not, but I seemed to notice a few gawkers. One restaurant we walked by, a guy in the window was blatantly pointing out to his family, Sadbh's equipment. Later we passed the same guy on the street and I overheard him say to his kids, "there's that baby again". 

There were quiet a few rubber necks in the pizzeria also, but at the end of the day, I can't let this annoy me as my focus and energy needs to be on Sadbh alone.

Take care,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

1 comment:

  1. Wayne,
    I love the updates. Thanks so much for keeping us all updated. I feel your pain with the looks people give. I took our little man out for his first real outing today, following through with my promise not to hide him. The few times that I actually had him out and visible I got quite the looks. I never have found words truer than yours. Our children deserve way more focus and energy than the rubberneckers and gawkers. We know they are beautiful and thats all that matters! Sadbh looks amazing!
