Friday, March 29, 2013

Sadbh’s update – March 29th 2013

Sadbh slept great last night. Thirteen minutes after Larissa capped her trach Sadbh sat up, pulled her cap off and handed it to Larissa and went right back to sleep.
Larissa capped Sadbh’s trach a second time later on and Sadbh slept great for ages. Eventually Larissa noticed that Sadbh had discretely pulled her cap off and gone back to sleep. She was curled up in a ball and since she had her mist collar on it was not easy to see if she had it on or not.
She slept solid until 6:15 and woke up with a huge smile as soon as she laid her eyes on Katie.

She had a wonderful morning and got to play out in the back garden for a while. It was a beautiful day so Sadbh and her gang headed out for a nice long walk through the neighborhood.
Sadbh got very excited when she saw this bright yellow school bus coming down the street and with a huge smile she started waving like crazy.
She caught the drivers attention and he pulled in and offered Sadbh a spin. Unfortunately, due to all her equipment she was unable to go for a spin but she did get a chance to climb on board to check the school bus out.

When she arrived home it was time to paint her eggs for Easter. She had a great time and she did a great job with the help of Amy and Nana.

It was a very exciting morning so when it came time for her nap she had no problems going to sleep.
Trach care went well and Sadbh slept for just over two hours.

One of Sadbh’s new night nurses started tonight so we spent the first hour or so showing her all the equipment, supplies and going over how to care for Sadbh. Sadbh was obviously exhausted as she hardly moved the whole time.
Hopefully Sadbh will have a good nigh sleep.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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