Monday, February 24, 2014

Sadbh’s update – February 24th 2014

According to Kysha, Sadbh slept much better last night and did not need any suctioning. She woke up at 7 well rested and ready to start the day.
Unfortunately it was another wet and miserable day but Sadbh got to spend the day playing with her toys.

It was a fairly stressful day as Sadbh would not do anything I told her to do and as soon as she would get upset she would struggle to breathe. Each time I would have to sanitize my hands as quickly as possible and remove her trach cap. It gets so exhausting.

We managed to get trach care done shortly after 8 and both Sadbh and I were exhausted tired. I’m surprised she did not fall asleep during it.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh. 

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