Friday, November 22, 2013

Sadbh’s update – November 22nd 2013

Sadbh slept great and woke up much earlier than usual. I’m surprised she did not wake up earlier as the nurse had the rest of us awake with all the noise she was making.

It was another sunny but very cold day. After breakfast and a nebulizer we bundled up nice and warm and headed to Nora’s Woods for a walk. Sadbh enjoyed being out in the crisp cool air and really enjoyed being chased around the woods by me pretending to be a lion.
All of a sudden Sadbh wanted to go home really quickly as she needed to take a pee. Since there was no one around I pulled Sadbh’s trousers down and she pee’d into the bushes. Her first pee in the great outdoors!

By the time we got home Sadbh was very tired. She fussed over her snack and after a while it became obvious that she would not eat so we gave her a bath and got her ready for trach care. She fell asleep quite quickly as Jenna sang Christmas carols to her.

Sadbh fussed over her food again during dinner but got very excited when Mommy gave her some olives. She stuck one on each of her fingers and then stuffed her mouth.

Sadbh was very tired and after a few bedtime stories, she quickly fell off to sleep.

Just before publishing this, I noticed that Sadbh was wearing the same dress today that she wore last year on this day.   Pretty crazy.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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