Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sadbh’s update – August 14th 2014

We decided to give Sadbh a break from wearing the PMV and trach cap last night to allow her a good night sleep and as a result she slept great right up until quarter to eight.

She was aware that Sophia was leaving today and as soon as she was up and out of bed she asked if she could wake Sophia up.
Instead of disturbing Sophia, Sadbh headed upstairs and hung out with Mommy as she got ready for work. She was in a very happy mood and it got better when Sophia arrived for breakfast.

As Sophia was finishing up her packing Sadbh decided to make a card for her. She got busy with her colored paper, scissors, glue and a horse sticker. She also made one for Sophia’s parents but forgot to give it to her to take home. Later when she realized that she had forgotten it she decided that she would have to have her trach out soon so we could all fly to Germany to give Sophia’s parents their card.

Sophia and I got trach care out of the way as soon as possible and the girls enjoyed a fun filled morning together.
Soon it was time to head to the airport and after getting Sophia checked in we headed to the security gate to see her off. It was really sad and after a long good bye Sophia headed off through security. Sadbh kept calling out to her telling her that she loves her and misses her and to come back soon. Just as Sophia disappeared through security I noticed that she left her coat in the stroller. Sadbh noticed it too and at the top of her lungs she shouted “Sophia, you forgot your coat”. Thankfully Sophia was not too far in and was able to retrieve her coat with the help of the security guards.

Sadbh was fine throughout all of this but as soon as we turned to leave she got very upset. So upset that it took a while for me to calm her down before I could feel comfortable driving away. She was exhausted and not long after we got on the freeway she was fast asleep.

Sadbh woke up as I carried her out of the car and again she was extremely upset. Sadbh has a silent cry and since she cannot vocalize when she is upset she kept asking for Mommy by using baby sign. It was heartbreaking to see her so upset and after half an hour or so I was able to cheer her up.

As soon as Mommy arrived she explained how much she missed Sophia and did not want her to leave.

Just as Sadbh was going to bed she turned and asked Katie “who is coming tonight? Is it Helen?” When Katie informed her that Danielle was coming Sadbh responded with “tell Helen, I mean Danielle to keep this on me all night” referring to her cozy blanket. She is very much a character.


All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh

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