Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sadbh’s update – December 12, 2014

Sadbh was not happy to see me this morning when she woke up and wanted Katie instead. I soon changed her mood by pretending to be a mouse and by nibbling on her arm and back. Soon she was laughing her heart out and was in a much happier mood.
I was even able to get her dressed before she headed up to Mommy.

Sadbh had an appointment with her cranial sacral doctor, Dr. Cavanaugh first thing this morning and the visit went well. He was able to work on her skull and noticed that there was some significant growth since the last visit.

Ali-Baba and Kirk stopped by around lunch to help with trach care and to get a refresher course on Sadbh’s medical equipment and suctioning incase they need to care for Sadbh if baby Taco comes early.

Sadbh devoured her lunch in record time and was soon looking for Ali-Baba to head down to the basement to pay some more.

Later in the day Sadbh asked why we left Aibhin’s birthday so quickly a couple of weeks ago. I explained that we noticed that there was a kid with a runny nose at the party and we left so that she would not get sick. She then asked if next time we would ask the mother of the kid with the runny nose to hold the kids hand and leave so Sadbh could stay. I explained that we could not do that since we did not want people to feel that they should stay away from parties because of us. She seemed to accept it but I think deep down she is still wondering why.
It was a very insightful conversation and I was taken back by how she must have been thinking about this for the past couple of weeks.

Katie and I had a couple’s yoga class for expecting mothers tonight so Harjinder came early to look after Sadbh.
Sadbh was excited to get to spend “awake” time with Harjinder and by the sounds of it the two of them had a great evening. Sadbh was out fast when it came time for bed.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh

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