Friday, July 10, 2015

Sadbh’s update – July 10 2015

Sadbh’s cousin, Belle Rose, had a sleep over last night and slept in Sadbh’s bed upstairs. Sadbh had a great night sleep and woke up good and early so she could wake Belle up so they could start playing.

The two girls had a great morning and after lunch we joined the rest of Belle’s family for a trip to the Seattle Center. It was packed but the girls all had a fantastic time dodging the water spray at the fountain.
They even got henna tattoos together but Sadbh ended up wiping hers off just before falling asleep on the way home.

Once home it was time for a bath and trach care. Sadbh was sad not to be with her cousins for the evening. That said she is very excited to see them along with her Portland cousins tomorrow.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie, Sadbh and Cillian

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