Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sadbh’s update – December 17th 2013

Sadbh had a very busy day today. She slept in until after 8 and had to be woken up so we could get her ready to visit Santa on her way to her appointment with her homeopathic doctor.

She was in a great mood but took her time with breakfast. We had time but we wanted to be the first in line to avoid any potential sick kids and the likes.
Sadbh was all excited when she saw Santa entering the building but when it came time to get close for a photo she clung onto Mommy and would not even look at the guy. Obviously Santa is used to this so he got Katie to sit on his knee and Sadbh was ok sitting in on the photo as long as Mommy was there to mind her.

From there we headed to visit Sadbh’s homeopathic specialist, Dr. Heron. We went over Sadbh’s recent progress, her latest visit with Dr. Inglis and discussed her current homeopathic remedy.

When it came time to leave Sadbh did not want to go home but unfortunately for her she had no choice as it was getting close to naptime.
Sadbh would only eat her lunch if I gave her a bath. Just before she got in her bath I put her on the toilet to see if she would go pee. She’s used to going on her potty, but this was the first time she actually went in the toilet. She was proud as punch and did not want to get off.

Trach care went well and Sadbh slept for almost an hour.
Sadbh spent the rest of the evening galloping her horse, yours truly, around the house and just like the Chinese she even landed her spaceship on the moon. Although she has done it a couple of times this week so far.

Bedtime was a battle again tonight and Sadbh would not go to sleep. It took almost two hours to get her to sleep and by then we were all wrecked tired.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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