Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sadbh’s update – December 29th 2013

Sadbh had a better night sleep and woke up in an excellent mood.
We all had a nice snuggle this morning and after breakfast we headed over to Greenlake for a walk. Sadbh wanted to ride her bike around the lake but she got lazy so she hung out in her stroller for the most of the walk.

Sadbh had some fierce appetite today and ate non-stop. She could not get enough food into her belly.

Sadbh’s imagination was in full force today and she had so much fun. At one point she was talking about her lunch bag’s eyes and we could not figure out what she was talking about, until we noticed that her lunch bag was hanging up to dry on a couple of the cupboard door knobs, which made it look like it had eyes.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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