Friday, April 25, 2014

Sadbh’s update – April 25th 2014

Sadbh had a very good night and slept right through to 8. She woke up in a good mood and wanted to go upstairs to see Mommy.

The area around Sadbh’s stoma has become a big collection point for her secretions. It seems that she is pushing air and secretions out through her neck and it gathers under her trach dressing. Thankfully it is fairly easy to clean up but we are concerned that her trach is either too small for her or that her vocal cords are not opening as wide as they have been.

We had a busy day planned since it was Sophia’s last day. As soon as breakfast was finished we headed out into the sunny garden for a few photos with Sophia and Nana and Granddad. Sadbh looked gorgeous and could not stop hugging everyone.

Granddad and I managed trach care and once we were done we loaded up the car and headed out.
Sadbh was in a wonderful mood and after running a few errands we stopped of for lunch downtown. Sadbh was delighted to tuck into my sandwich and could not get enough. I can’t blame her as it was a really good sandwich.

After that we headed to Alki Beach for a walk and despite being very tired she had a great time walking along holding Sophia’s hand.
She was so giddy having fun with Sophia that she lost the run of herself and fell over and grazed her knee.

She was a little upset but soon fell asleep after getting buckled into her car seat.
Granddad sat with her in the car after we arrived home so she could nap for a little longer. When she finally woke up she was very upset and it seemed that her knee was causing her a lot more pain than earlier.
Sadbh usually loves to play with bandaids but today she did not want one despite the need. It took some serious convincing to get one on her knee and she soon felt much better.

Bedtime was later than usual and we tried to get Sadbh to fall asleep with her trach cap on. She was completely exhausted and managed to doze off for a while with the cap on. Unfortunately she woke up after a few minutes but she finally fell asleep a few minutes before Danielle arrived. 

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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