Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sadbh’s update – day 192

Sadbh slept like a log right through the night and woke up at 6:30 for a quick breakfast.

All in all, she had a fairly lazy day and since the weather wasn’t great, she stayed indoors.

Ali-Baba stopped by for a while to spend time with Sadbh and my father and she got to play with Sadbh for ages.

By the time I got home, Sadbh was wiped out and was starting to get very cranky. It was time for trach care.
When she’s really tired, she gets this faint red unibrow and she also ends up rubbing her eyes continuously.

She fell into a deep sleep and slept for an hour and a half. Even when she woke up, she was still extremely tired. Since it was still very early in the evening, and we did not want her to go to bed so soon, she had a tough time trying to stay awake.
Eventually we brought her upstairs to bed and she was out in no time.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day as my father and a few of our friends will be heading to Children’s for their second session in trach care and infant CPR.
Katie and her mother will be changing Sadbh’s trach. This is a first for Peggy and I am sure she is extremely nervous.
Katie has been there through all the previous trach changes and has removed the old one each time, however this will be the first time for inserting the new trach.

Take care,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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