Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sadbh’s update – September 10th 2014

Sadbh slept with the non-modified PMV from one am until just after seven when she woke up upset from a bad dream.
She had dreamt that someone was after eating her snacks and mac and cheese. Once awake she realized it was only a dream and quickly calmed down and was happy again.

We had another great day and after lunch we both headed up to Capitol Hill for a walk and do some shopping.
Sadbh did great but only walked half way. She wanted to ride in the stroller for the rest of the journey. Lazy bones.

We managed trach care just before bedtime and as soon as Sadbh hit the pillow she was off into la la land. She was exhausted from a busy day.
We have a new nurse training with Helen tonight as its Helen’s last night working with us. Kim officially starts next Monday. Here we go again, breaking in a new nurse….

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh

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