Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sadbh’s update – May 24th 2014

Poppy, Katie’s dad arrived last night after Sadbh fell asleep and as soon as Sadbh woke up she wanted to see him. It was quite early so she had to wait a while until he woke up.
She had a great night sleep and Danielle managed to cap her trach for six and a half hours.

When Poppy finally woke up Sadbh was very excited to see him. They spent the morning hanging out and when Mommy got home from yoga we got trach care out of the way.

The weather was decent so we headed out to take care of the garden. Sadbh wanted to go for a spin in her red wagon and had Poppy pulling her up and down the street like a horse. He was wiped out but Sadbh did not care and kept asking for him to giddy up faster, please.

In the evening we headed over to Jak’s Grill in West Seattle for dinner but by now Sadbh was very tired. She was very well mannered and did not fuss throughout dinner. Mick, who works there, gave Sadbh a couple of stickers for being so good and she was delighted with herself. He also showed Sadbh photos of his daughter Clara and her curly hair. Sadbh was impressed.

We made it home not long before Danielle arrived and thankfully it did not take long to get Sadbh to sleep.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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