Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sadbh’s update – day 205

Sadbh’s schedule is definitely changing and she was wide awake at midnight this morning.
It took Katie almost an hour and a half to get her back to sleep, and fortunately she managed to sleep until 6:30.

Later in the morning she had her 6 month check up with her pediatrician Dr. Bowe, and she  received the next batch of vaccinations.
She received a TaP/IPV/Hib vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b).
Another shot that she received was for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13).
The third shot she received was a vaccine for the flu and the last vaccine, which was administered orally, was for Rotavirus.
Her nurse at the clinic is this older French woman and she is amazing with kids. She’s very caring and tender, and most importantly, she’s extremely quick when it comes to giving shots.

Sadbh’s vitals from her last visit almost three months ago was 12 pounds, 6 ounces, her length was 23-3/4 inches, and her head was 41.3 centimeters.

Today she weighed in at 14lbs 7oz, measured 25 inches long and her head is 43 centimeters.

Her doctor feels that while her head size is good, she is not growing as much as she could be, and instructed us to start feeding her more solids throughout the day.

She was out for the count by the time she got home and slept for a good hour or so. A few hours after she woke  up, my father gave me a call and mentioned that it might be a good time to head home so we could carry out trach care. If we missed this window, it would be much later in the evening before we would get our next opportunity.

Due to all the vaccinations that she received today, her heart rate is a lot higher than usual.
Unable to use the oximeter to decipher how deep in sleep she was, we started the task and my father removed her trach ties as soon as we felt she was in a comfortable sleep.
The moment he started to clean around her stoma and neck, her eyes opened and we both recognized that it was time to speed things up.
My father persevered with cleaning, while I held her trach in place and did my best to keep her stable and content. She was an angel and considering that we were poking and prodding her neck, she allowed us to finish trach care without any fuss whatsoever.
As soon as we finished up, she nodded off to sleep.

Not long after Katie arrived home, Sadbh woke up for her evening meal and then joined us at the dinner table when it was time to feed her solids. It was impossible to feed her at this stage and every spoonful was met with rejection.

Not long afterwards we discovered why. She ended up having four of the biggest projectile vomits that we have ever seen. Thankfully Katie was quick to react and Sadbh’s trach was spared from getting covered in vomit.
She seemed fine after all the excitement and by the time we put her to bed she was quite tired.

As she sleeps this evening, her heart rate is approximately 50bmp higher than usual and she’s been tossing and turning for the past few hours.
Our night nurse suggested giving her Tylenol to help ease her discomfort, so hopefully that will all her to get a good nights rest.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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