Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sadbh’s update – day 230

Sadbh had a great night’s sleep last night and woke up for breakfast around 5am Sunday morning. After breakfast and a quick diaper change, she was back to sleep in no time.

Katie’s next wake up call was at 8am, and this time around, Sadbh was ready for some playtime.

The weather was terrible, so it was a great excuse to stay in bed and have as much fun with Sadbh as possible.
Even when it was time for her next nap, she was too excited and didn’t sleep for more than ten minutes.
At first we noticed one little arm poking out of her swaddle, then she had both arms out and was playing with all her toys.
We both feel that her days of swaddling are almost over, so we must work on weaning her away from being swaddled.
This is obviously going to be difficult, since keeping her swaddled helps us to keep her mist collar in place so her airway doesn’t dry out so quickly.

She wasn’t ready for her early evening nap today, and was quite certain that she wanted to play for longer, despite appearing to be very tired.
In fact, she was determined to stay up as long as she could, and managed until 8pm, which is her usual time to go to bed.

Since our nurse coverage starts up again tonight, I had earlier moved all her equipment down from our bedroom and as soon as she started to get fussy, I brought her in and got her ready for bed. It was quite the ordeal, one second she was happy and laughing, the next she was crying her eyes out, all without a sound. It was very obvious that she was exhausted and quite delirious.
Once Katie popped her head in the door, Sadbh was all smiles and ready for her bedtime cuddle.
As soon as Katie was done and had her swaddled, Sadbh was out like a light.
Hopefully she will rest soundly through the night.

Take care,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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