Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sadbh’s update – October 22nd 2014

Sadbh slept soundly last night and despite getting up a number of times to untangle her and make sure that her humidifier hose was not filling up with condensation, Katie and I also had a good night sleep.

She was delighted to see us next to her when she woke up.

Sadbh and I had a good morning and for lunch we headed over to meet Timi, who is a good friend of mine from my old job.
Sadbh did not want to leave the house but once she had a couple of toys to bring she was in a much better mood about going.
It was great to see Timi and to catch up. Sadbh was very polite and also fascinated with Timi’s hair. I was able to relax as she was very well behaved during lunch.

Later in the day Sadbh got to have a play date with her friend Charlie from up the street. Charlie had just woken up from a nap so she was fully of energy. The two kids had a blast playing with all the toys in the basement and pretending to go camping in Sadbh’s wigwam. 
It was nice to see Sadbh having so much fun.

We interviewed a nurse tonight and we think she might work out. She still has to go through the on-boarding process with the agency so it might be a week or more before she can start working.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh

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