Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sadbh’s update – June 26th, 2012

Sadbh was very restless last night and was flopping all over the place.
Around 4 she joined us in bed and by 6 she had wriggled almost all the way to the foot of the bed.

She finally woke up at 8 and it was time for breakfast.
Unfortunately, she did not have a nurse working today, so Nini did not have any support.
Sadbh had a huge appetite and devoured her breakfast. As soon as she was done, it was time for the fun and games to begin.

Ali-Baba stopped by later in the morning to help Nini and to play with Sadbh. They tested out the Passy Muir Valve and Ali-Baba was beside herself with emotion with all the sounds that Sadbh was making.

Ali-Baba has this beautiful ring and she decided when Sadbh was born that she was going to inherit it. For the past year or so, Ali-Baba shows Sadbh the ring and says “Do you see your ring?” Lately, when she asks, Sadbh sticks her hand out as if she is showing off her ring finger. Today Sadbh got to try on Ali-Baba’s ring and she looked so impressed.
When Sadbh turns out to be a complete diva, I’m going to blame Ali-Baba.

Eventually Sadbh grew tired, so it was time for the trach care ritual to begin.
Sadbh really enjoyed her bath and immediately afterwards she enjoyed a bedtime story as she was dried off.
Trach care went well and Sadbh slept for over an hour.

After lunch, Sadbh and Nini went for a long walk through the neighborhood. Sadbh got to see a few goats for the first time. A neighbor a couple of blocks away had rented some to manage their garden and Sadbh was impressed.
Later it started to rain so Nini and Sadbh took shelter under a large tree.
It was all very exciting for Sadbh.

Her evening was spent playing with her toys and showing off how good she is at walking without holding anyone’s hand.

Sadbh was exhausted tired and a little cranky when it came time for bed.
Thankfully she dozed off eventually and fell into a nice deep sleep.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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