Monday, April 16, 2012

Sadbh’s update – April 16th, 2012

It took Sadbh a while to fall into a comfortable sleep, and was tossing and turning for ages.
She surprised us though, and slept like a log for the rest of the night, and did not wake until shortly after 5:30am.
After breakfast, she slept for another two hours, until a coughing fit woke her up.

After her breakfast of solids, it was playtime with Granddad, Nana and Nini.
She was coughing a lot more than usual today, but seemed to do a lot better once she got out for a long walk.

Sadbh was finishing up dinner when I arrived home from work, and she was in a great mood. It was time to play and she showed off standing by herself and she also took a few steps.

Sadbh has a couple of “Jack in the box” type toys that she received for her birthday, and she is absolutely terrified of them.
Every so often she will stumble across one of them, and almost runs out the door. It’s quite amusing.

She has a way at getting back at us though. She has started grabbing her trach while looking at my mum and wagging her finger. Very brazen indeed.

When Katie arrived home, Sadbh managed to take 7 steps by herself, before falling into Katie’s arms. It was quite the accomplishment and we were all very excited.
Unfortunately we pushed it a little too far, and Sadbh fell back and bumped her head. She did not hurt herself, but the she got so upset that she ended up puking all over Katie.

The rest of her evening was very relaxed and she enjoyed Katie reading a few of her new books.

The coughing fits returned just as we got her ready for bed, and it took a while to get her settled and off to sleep.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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