Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sadbh’s update – April 25th, 2012

Sadbh was quite restless after going to bed last night, and after Larissa arrived, we decided to give some Tylenol to ease her discomfort.
It seemed to work, and Sadbh slept right through until 5:30 for a quick early morning breakfast.
After breakfast, she fell back to sleep until 8am.

At 8am, she was full of smiles and ready for the day to start. Nadia, who is a new nurse, started working with Sadbh today. Sadbh was thrilled and it seems that Nadia was really good with Sadbh.

Sadbh received a parcel in the post yesterday from Sean and Meghan, and it contained two wonderful buntings with her name spelt out. She also received a lovely dress.
Last night, after Sadbh went to bed, Katie and Grand-dad hung the buntings up in the room where Sadbh has her breakfast. As soon as she entered the room, she noticed something different, and pointed to the flags. She was smiling from ear to ear and was very excited with her gifts.

Ali-Baba came by to hang out, and to everyone’s delight, she brought cookies. Sadbh even got to taste these cookies. Sadbh could not get enough cookies and kept making the baby sign for more. She ended up getting very hyper due to the sugar, so trach care was a little later than usual today.
Sadbh will never get bored, especially since she had a house full of great playmates.

I arrived home to a large welcome committee and in the middle of everyone there was Sadbh with a huge smile.
After washing and sanitizing my hands, it was time for some play with Sadbh.

She had a great evening and I even got a few kisses. It was the first time in a while that I received a kiss on the mouth from Sadbh, despite the fact that I had not shaved in a few days.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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