Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sadbh’s update – January 17th 2013

Larissa had a tough night and Sadbh’s vitals where all over the place. Her temperature was on the high side, as was her heart and respiratory rate.  She had quite a few coughing fits and had to be suctioned constantly throughout the night. All in all, Larissa did a fantastic job keeping Sadbh comfortable, despite the situation.
I took over from Larissa at 6 and hoped that Sadbh would sleep on for a while so both she and Katie could get some rest.
Unfortunately, this was not the case and Sadbh woke up just as I entered the room.
She was not happy and wanted her mammy but she instantly calmed down as soon as Katie arrived.

Her morning was quite rough and she threw up a couple of times after having coughing fits.
Kara worked today and just after she arrived we loaded Sadbh up in the car and headed off to the doctor.

Sadbh was completely out of it during the short drive to the clinic and started to get sick all over herself just as we pulled into the car park. It was a very stressful moment as she was still buckled into her car seat and she even got some over her trach.

Dr. Hathaway was quick to see us and after checking Sadbh’s lungs she had her nurses take some blood samples so they could test to see if there were any other issues.
They also gave Sadbh two shots of her antibiotic, one in each leg, to speed up the process and she also gave her a nebulizer to help open up her airway and lungs.
Sadbh was not happy with all the injections and having to breath in the Albuterol mist.
Thankfully the tests came back negative for any other viruses.

When we arrived home, Sadbh was wrecked and she and Katie had a nice, snuggly nap in the living room.  Then the doorbell rang and it was Ali-Baba!  When Sadbh opened her eyes and saw her, she was over the moon.  She was extremely delirious as she walked her grandmother around the house, but she was having fun and it was great to see her up and about for a change.

It wasn’t long before she was wiped out again so Katie and Kara decided to start trach care.
The medical supply company came through very quickly on a request for a nebulizer, but I had to drive to their office to pick it up. Thankfully traffic was not a problem and I made it back half way through trach care.
By now Sadbh was wide-awake so Ali-Baba had joined in trying to help keep her still. She did not want to be swaddled so between Kara and Ali-Baba they had to work hard to keep her from moving around.

By the time she finally fell asleep she was extremely exhausted from working so hard to breath. Thankfully Kara was watching over her when she noticed Sadbh’s blood oxygen level drop down into the low 90’s. The color from her face started to drain and she was turning blue. Katie and Kara pulled out the oxygen mask and turned on her oxygen to 5 litres to bring her oxygen level back up. We are so grateful for Kara’s quick response.

Sadbh’s evening was up and down, but she definitely showed some signs of improvement. She drank lots of water and apple juice and even ate most of a slice of toast.
She was much more receptive to taking her medications and did not put up as much of a fuss when it came to her nebulizer.

We just received word that Sadbh’s night nurse cannot make it tonight so Katie and I will take shifts throughout the night to make sure that Sadbh is ok.
We have another appointment with Dr. Hathaway in the morning and we are hoping that Sadbh has a much better night tonight.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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