Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sadbh’s update – January 3rd 2013

Julie worked last night so Sadbh slept like a log and only needed to be suctioned once.
She woke up after Julie left and she was in a really good mood. Unfortunately, after a coughing fit, she ended up getting sick all over the place.
Katie was terrified but managed to take care of the situation and despite the big mess, Sadbh felt much better after Katie was able to clear her trach.

Caity worked today and Sadbh was sad to see her mommy head off to work. Thankfully Caity was able to keep Sadbh entertained so it did not take long before Sadbh was happy and having a fun morning.

Later in the morning Ali-Baba stopped by to play with Sadbh and help Caity with trach care.
Sadbh slept for almost three hours after her bath and when she woke up she was in a very good mood.

Unfortunately, she only wore her Passy Muir Valve for twenty minutes or so today and Caity had to suction her trach a number of times.

When I arrived home Sadbh and Caity were heading out to play in the back garden for a while. Sadbh was in a great mood and was delighted to be out of the house after her long nap.

Sadbh could not wait for Katie to arrive home this evening and was over the moon when she saw her car pull up outside. She had a great evening and when it came time for bed she did not put up a fuss and dropped off to sleep within ten or so minutes.

Quite often I find it hard to keep Sadbh happy. She seems to want Katie constantly and gets very upset if Katie is not there.
I know it is a normal feeling for a toddler but it can be extremely disheartening in the meantime.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie and Sadbh.

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