Monday, January 5, 2015

Sadbh’s update – January 5, 2015

Sadbh was up the stairs like a shot this morning, even before Granddad could take over from Harjinder.

We had a photo shoot for Cillian today and Sadbh wanted in on the action. She wanted to cuddle Cillian in all the photos so we decided to give her a shoot of her own while we got her brother ready.
When it came time to take Cillian’s photos Sadbh helped set the mood by playing with her toy piano.

Cillian had a doctor appointment this afternoon up in Northgate. Sadbh came along for the drive and it was the first time all four of us were in the car together. Typically either Katie or I will sit next to Sadbh in the car to make sure we can tend to her trach if needed. Since there is not much room with Cillian back there now Katie and I have to sit up front with the two kids in back.
After Cillian’s appointment we headed to Northgate Mall for a wander around. Sadbh had so much fun going from shop to shop and she introduced herself to everyone she met, including the mannequins. She impressed one lady so much that she even scored a free cookie with pink frosting.

On the trip home Sadbh wanted to leave video messages for Granddad and Sophia. It was hilarious what she was coming up with. For Granddad she tried talking in an Irish accent and asked “would you like a cup of tay (tea)?”

When we arrived home it was time for trach care. By now Sadbh was very tired. She got extremely fussy and wanted Katie to help out with trach care.
She ended up getting so upset that I had to remove her trach cap since she was having such a difficult time breathing. As soon as Mommy arrived on the scene Sadbh cheered up and allowed us to get the job done quickly.

We missed the opportunity for family movie night yesterday so we had it this evening instead.
Sadbh snuggled up between Mommy and me and kept kissing Cillian every chance she got.

By bedtime she was exhausted and turned into quite the demon. She gave me such a hard time when trying to get her ready for bed that I had no choice but to give up and let Katie take over.
Lately she has been acting up at times and when Katie asked her what was going on she explained that she get’s frustrated with me when she’s tired. I think we have to start getting her to bed much earlier from here on out.

All the best,

Wayne, Katie, Sadbh and Cillian.

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